Embracing Efficiency with SOLIDWORKS MBD: A Paradigm Shift for Mechanical Engineers

The shift from 2D to 3D design is transformative. SOLIDWORKS Model Based Definition (MBD) leads this change, revolutionizing product and manufacturing information (PMI) communication. This tool is key for a paperless future.

Streamlining Design and Manufacturing

SOLIDWORKS MBD streamlines manufacturing by letting engineers define and publish 3D PMI directly. This method speeds up development and reduces errors linked to 2D drawings. Engineers can quickly share detailed 3D annotations, improving clarity and efficiency.

Boosting Communication and Collaboration

A major benefit of SOLIDWORKS MBD is its support for common file formats like 3D PDFs. This feature allows seamless sharing across teams and with external partners, even without specific CAD tools. The integrated PMI enhances collaborative review and understanding, breaking language barriers.

Meeting Industry Standards

Meeting industry standards is crucial. SOLIDWORKS MBD adheres to standards like Military-Standard-31000A and ISO 16792. This compliance streamlines approval processes and market access.

Customization and Enhanced Efficiency

SOLIDWORKS MBD offers customizable templates to fit various needs. Engineers can adjust these for specific projects, ensuring that critical data stands out. This customization aids in clear communication and highlights important information.

Gaining a Competitive Edge

Choosing SOLIDWORKS MBD is a strategic move. It brings efficiency, reduces errors, and fosters better teamwork. For engineers, it unlocks innovation opportunities and shows a commitment to quality.


For mechanical engineers, the choice is clear. SOLIDWORKS MBD offers an effective, collaborative 3D design method, surpassing traditional 2D approaches. Its capabilities boost productivity and precision, empowering engineers to convey their design intentions accurately.
SOLIDWORKS MBD FeaturesStandard

Define 3D Annotations

SOLIDWORKS MBD helps you define feature-based annotations in Parts and assemblies (DimXpert), and import 3D annotations from common CAD formats for more efficient design.

Organize 3D Annotations

When the number of 3D annotations becomes too many, you can show and hide annotations automatically as a model rotates, capture comprehensive settings with 3D views similar to visual bookmarks, compare 3D annotation differences between revisions to capture subtle but critical differences, and reuse 3D views in 2D drawings when necessary.

Publish 3D Data with Annotations and Views

SOLIDWORKS MBD helps you communicate directly in 3D. If you like 3D PDF, the software can customize the templates, control accuracies and PDF sizes, publish BOM tables and notes, attach multiple files upon publishing, create and attach STEP242 files. SOLIDWORKS MBD can also output eDrawings or STEP 242 with software-readable annotations.

Minimize Scrap and Rework

Unlike miscommunications in 2D drawings and manufacturing based on dated 2D drawings, SOLIDWORKS MBD facilitates 3D engineering communication with integrated 3D specifications, greater clarity, reduced ambiguity, and a shorter update path.

Eliminate Time-to-market Delays

SOLIDWORKS MBD adds clarity in manufacturing communication with 3D integrated specifications, which can also drive downstream applications automatically, such as CAM and CMM programming. SOLIDWORKS MBD enables 3D annotations beyond geometry-based programming.

Reduce Service Costs

SOLIDWORKS MBD defines and organizes intuitive 3D specifications integrated with models, which shortens the learning curve. The output of high-quality STEP 242 and 3D PDF complies with the Long Term Archival and Retrieval (LOTAR) standard.

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