SOLIDWORKS Refresher Course Overview

The SOLIDWORKS Refresher course is designed for users who have been away from using the SOLIDWORKS software for an extended period and wish to revisit its capabilities. This comprehensive course includes selected lessons and exercises from SOLIDWORKS Essentials, Advanced Part Modeling, and Assembly Modeling, covering a wide range of skills from basic to advanced techniques.

Skills Learned:

  • Review of linear, circular, and sketch-driven patterns
  • Diagnosing and correcting errors in existing parts and making design changes
  • Using configurations to represent different versions of a part within a single file
  • Assembly modeling techniques including bottom-up assembly, mating techniques, replacing components, and best practices for large assemblies
  • Creating Bill of Materials (BOM) and exploded view configurations
  • Utilizing Multi-body parts to create complicated geometry

Course Duration

4 Days  (7 hours/day)


Mechanical design experience

Experience in the Windows® operating system

Experience with SOLIDWORKS or other 3D Design software

Course Examples

SOLIDWORKS Refresher Course Syllabus

Lesson 1: SOLIDWORKS Basics and the User Interface

  • What is the SOLIDWORKS Software?
  • Design Intent
    • Examples of Design Intent
    • How Features Affect Design Intent
  • File References
    • File Reference Example
  • Opening Files
  • The SOLIDWORKS User Interface
    • Welcome Dialog Box
    • Pull-down Menus
  • Using the Command Manager
    • Adding and Removing CommandManager Tabs
    • FeatureManager Design Tree
    • PropertyManager
    • Full Path Name
    • Selection Breadcrumbs
    • Task Pane
    • Opening Labs with the File Explorer
    • Heads-up View Toolbar
    • Unselectable Icons
    • Mouse Buttons
    • Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Multiple Monitor Displays
    • System Feedback
    • Options
    • Search

Lesson 2: Patterning

  • Why Use Patterns?
    • Pattern Options
  • Linear Pattern
    • Flyout FeatureManager Design Tree
    • Skipping Instances
    • Geometry Patterns
    • Performance Evaluation
  • Sharing a Model
  • Circular Patterns
  • Reference Geometry
    • Axes
    • Planes
  • Mirror Patterns
    • Patterning a Solid Body
  • Coordinate System
  • Symmetric Patterns
  • Up To Reference
  • Sketch Driven Patterns
    • Points
    • Automatic Dimensioning of Sketches
  • Exercise 1: Linear Patterns
  • Exercise 2: Sketch Driven Patterns
  • Exercise 3: Skipping Instances
  • Exercise 4: Linear and Mirror Patterns
  • Exercise 5: Mirror Body
  • Exercise 6: Circular Patterns
  • Exercise 7: Axes and Multiple Patterns

Lesson 3: Editing: Repairs

  • Part Editing
  • Editing Topics
    • Information from a Model
    • Finding and Repairing Problems
    • Settings
    • What’s Wrong Dialog
    • Flat Tree View
    • Where to Begin
  • Sketch Issues
    • Box Selection
    • Lasso Selection
    • Check Sketch for Feature
    • Repair Sketch
    • Repairing Sketch Plane Issues
    • FeatureXpert
    • Fillet Repairs
    • Freezing Features
  • Exercise 8: Errors1
  • Exercise 9: Errors2
  • Exercise 10: Errors3
  • Exercise 11: Adding Draft

Lesson 4: Editing: Design Changes

  • Part Editing
  • Design Changes
    • Revisions
    • Required Changes
  • Information From a Model
    • Part Reviewer
    • Dependencies
  • Rebuilding Tools
    • Rollback to Feature
    • Freeze Bar
    • Rebuild Feedback and Interrupt
    • Feature Suppression
    • General Tools
    • Deletions
    • Reorder
    • SketchXpert
  • Sketch Contours
    • Contours Available
    • Shared Sketches
    • Copying Fillets
  • Creating a Design Revision
  • Replace Sketch Entity
  • Exercise 12: Changes
  • Exercise 13: Editing
  • Exercise 14: SketchXpert
  • Exercise 15: Contour Sketches

Lesson 5: Configurations

  • Configurations
  • Using Configurations
    • Accessing the ConfigurationManager
    • Adding New Configurations
    • Defining the Configuration
    • Changing Configurations
    • Renaming and Copying Configurations
    • Managing Configuration Data
  • Other Methods to Create Configurations
    • Configuration Table
    • Modify Configurations
    • Design Tables
    • Derived Configurations
    • Other Uses of Configurations
  • Modeling Strategies for Configurations
  • Editing Parts that Have Configurations
  • Design Library
    • Default Settings
    • Multiple References
    • Dropping on Circular Faces
  • Exercise 16: Configurations 1
  • Exercise 17: Configurations 2
  • Exercise 18: Configurations 3

Lesson 6: Bottom-Up Assembly Modeling

  • Case Study: Universal Joint
  • Bottom-Up Assembly
  • Creating a New Assembly
  • Position of the First Component
  • FeatureManager Design Tree and Symbols
    • Degrees of Freedom
    • Components
    • Component Name
    • State of the component
  • Adding Components
    • Insert Component
    • Moving and Rotating Components
  • Mating Components
    • Mate Types and Alignment
    • Mating Concentric and Coincident
    • Width Mate
    • Rotating Inserted Components
    • Using the Component Preview Window
    • Parallel Mate
    • Dynamic Assembly Motion
    • Displaying Part Configurations in an Assembly
    • The Pin
  • Using Part Configurations in Assemblies
    • The Second Pin
    • Opening a Component
    • Creating Copies of Instances
    • Component Hiding and Transparency
    • Component Properties
  • Subassemblies
  • Smart Mates
  • Inserting Subassemblies
    • Mating Subassemblies
    • Distance Mates
    • Unit System
  • Pack and Go
  • Exercise 19: Mates
  • Exercise 20: Gripe Grinder
  • Exercise 21: Using Hide and Show Component
  • Exercise 22: Part Configurations in an Assembly
  • Exercise 23: U-Joint Changes

Lesson 7: Using Assemblies

  • Using Assemblies
  • Analyzing the Assembly
    • Mass Properties Calculations
    • Checking for Interference
    • Open Part
  • Checking for Clearances
    • Static vs. Dynamic Interference Detection
    • Performance Considerations
  • Changing the Values of Dimensions
  • Exploded Assemblies
    • Setup for the Exploded View
    • Assembly Explode
  • Rollback and Reorder Explode Steps
    • Rollback
    • Reorder
    • Changing the Explode Direction
    • Using Auto-Spacing
  • Explode Line Sketch
    • Smart Explode Line Selections
    • Manual Explode Line Selections
    • Adjusting the Explode Lines
    • Animating Exploded Views
  • Bill of Materials
  • Assembly Drawings
    • Adding Balloons
    • Editing the Exploded View
  • Exercise 24: Using Collision Detection
  • Exercise 25: Finding and Repairing Interferences
  • Exercise 26: Checking for Interferences, Collisions and Clearances
  • Exercise 27: Exploded Views and Assembly Drawings
  • Exercise 28: Exploded Views

Lesson 8: Multibody Design Techniques

  • Multibody Parts
  • Hide/Show Tree Item
  • Multibody Design Techniques
    • Creating a Multibody
    • Merge Result
  • Case Study: Multibody Design
    • Contour Selection
  • Solid Bodies Folder
  • Local Operations
  • Feature Scope
  • Patterning Bodies
  • Tool Body Technique
    • Using Insert Part
    • External References
    • Entities to Transfer
    • Locate Part and Move/Copy Bodies
  • Combining Bodies
  • Case Study: Protective Screen
  • Intersect with Solid Bodies
  • Case Study: Bowl
    • Calculating Internal Volume
  • Indent Feature
  • Case Study: Indent
  • Deleting Solid Bodies
    • Delete/Keep Body Feature
  • Exercise 29: Bridging a Multibody Part
  • Exercise 30: Local Operations
  • Exercise 31: Positioning Inserted Parts
  • Exercise 32: Patterning Bodies
  • Exercise 33: Modeling Negative Space
  • Exercise 34: Combining a Multibody Part
  • Exercise 35: Indent

Lesson 9: Advanced Mate Techniques

  • SOLIDWORKS Assemblies
  • Assembly File Structure
    • FeatureManager Design Tree
    • Opening Assemblies
  • File References
  • File Reference Example
    • File Names
  • Solving Mates
    • Subassembly Mates
    • Find References
    • Update Holders
  • Advanced Mate Techniques
    • Mate Shortcuts
  • Case Study: Mate Shortcuts
    • SmartMate while Adding Components
    • SmartMate Cursor Feedback
    • SmartMates from Within the Assembly
  • Mate References
  • Design Library Parts
  • Capture Mate References
  • Mates with Axes and Planes
    • Mate with Axes
    • Mate with Planes
  • Multiple Selection Mate References
  • Multiple Mate Mode
    • Width Free Mate
  • Driven Mates
  • Using Misaligned Mates
    • Misalignment Types
  • Copying Multiple Components
    • Differences in Mating
  • Case Study: Copy With Mates
    • Using Copy with Mates
    • Copy with Mate Options
    • Investigating the Mates
  • Fixed Components
  • Summary: Inserting and Mating Components
    • Adding Components
    • Copying Components
    • Inserting and Mating Simultaneously
    • Mating Existing Components
    • Selection Aids
  • Advanced Mate Features
    • Lock Rotation
  • Case Study: Advanced Mate Features
    • The Belt / Chain Assembly Feature
    • Slot Mate Constraints
  • Profile Center Mate
    • Valid Faces for Profile Center
  • Rack Pinion Mate
  • Exercise 36: Mate References
  • Exercise 37: Profile Center Mates
  • Exercise 38: Slot Mates
  • Exercise 39: Using Copy With Mates
  • Exercise 40: Gear Mates

Lesson 10: Assembly Editing

  • Assembly Editing
  • Key Topics
    • Editing Activities
    • Design Changes
    • Finding and Repairing Problems
    • Information From an Assembly
  • Case Study: Assembly Editing
    • Component and Mate Level Errors
  • Mate Errors
    • Over Defined Mates and Components
    • Finding an Over Defining Mate
    • MateXpert
    • Grouping Mates
  • Replacing and Modifying Components
    • Working in a Multi-user Environment
    • Replacing a Single Instance
    • Mated Entities
  • Converting Parts and Assemblies
    • Parts into Assemblies
    • Assemblies into Parts
    • Parts into Parts
    • Replacing Parts with Assemblies
    • Defeature
  • Replacing Components Using Save As
  • Reloading Components
  • Component Patterns
    • Pattern Instances
    • Linear and Circular Patterns
    • Linear Pattern and Rotate
    • Pattern Driven Component Pattern
    • Chain Pattern
    • Mirroring Components
  • Exercise 41: Assembly Errors
  • Exercise 42: Mirror Component
  • Exercise 43: Using a Pattern Driven Pattern
  • Exercise 44: Using a Chain Pattern

Lesson 11: Using Configurations with Assemblies

  • Using Configurations with Assemblies
  • Case Study: Assembly Configurations
  • Creating Configurations Manually
  • Configuration Properties
  • Using the Modify Configurations Dialog
    • Modify Configurations Hide/Show Controls
  • Changing Configurations using the Context Toolbar
    • Saving Configurations
    • Information from an Assembly
  • Managing the Tree Display
  • Assembly Evaluation Tools
  • Case Study: Hole Alignment
  • Controlling Dimensions in an Assembly
    • Global Variables
    • Assembly Equations
    • Dimension Names in an Assembly
    • Adding Equations
  • Creating an Equality
  • Equations With Functions
  • Comments
  • Sensors
    • Sensor Types and Alerts
    • Dimension Sensors
    • Dimension
    • Proximity Sensors
  • Using the Mate Controller
    • Mate Positions
  • Exercise 45: Using Modify Configurations
  • Exercise 46: Assembly Configurations
  • Exercise 47: Sensors and Assembly Equations

Lesson 12: Display States and Appearances

  • Display States
    • Stored Display States
    • Display States vs. Configurations
    • Display Pane
    • Display Pane Icons
  • Bulk Selection Tools
    • Using Selections
    • Selection Methods
    • Adding Display States
    • Renaming Display States
    • Copying a Display State
    • Display State Toolbar
  • Case Study: Display States
    • Previewing Hidden Components
    • Configurations and Display States
    • Linked Display States
  • Advanced Select
  • Envelopes
  • Appearances, Materials and Scenes
    • Appearances Menu
    • Changing Scenes
  • Case Study: Appearances and Materials
    • Modifying Texture Maps
    • Materials
  • Exercise 48: Display States
  • Exercise 49: Display States, Appearances and Materials

Lesson 13: Large Assemblies

  • Key Topics
  • Assembly Loading
    • Automatic
    • Manual
  • Assembly Modes
    • Resolved
    • Lightweight
    • Large Design Review
  • Assembly Visualization
    • Visualization Properties
    • Elements of the Assembly Visualization Interface
    • Editing and Adding Columns
  • Lightweight Components
    • Opening Lightweight Components
    • After the Assembly is Open
    • Indicators of Lightweight Status
    • Best Practice
    • Comparison of Component States
  • Large Assembly Settings
  • Case Study: Large Assembly Options
  • Using SpeedPak
    • SpeedPak from the ConfigurationManager
    • SpeedPak from Top Level Assembly
  • Using Simplified Configurations
    • Suppressing Components
    • Suppressing Components
    • Simplify
  • Automatic Assembly Loading
    • Advanced Open Options
  • Defeature
    • Dissolving a Sub-assembly
    • Creating a New Subassembly with Components
    • Promoting and Demoting Components
    • Flexible Subassemblies
    • Using Folders
  • Envelope Publisher
  • Large Design Review
    • Edit Assembly Mode
    • Selective Open
  • Comparison of Loading, Modes, and Methods
  • Tips for Faster Assemblies
    • Appearance and Views
    • Set Options
    • Mate Considerations
  • Drawing Considerations
  • Exercise 50: Large Assembly Settings and Large Design Review
  • Exercise 51: Working with Subassemblies
  • Exercise 52: Flexible Subassemblies
  • Exercise 53: Simplified Configurations

SOLIDWORKS Refresher Course Schedule

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