SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Administration Course Overview

The SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Administration course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare, plan, implement, and test a SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional system before a full implementation in their organization. This course covers various aspects of the PDM Professional system to assist in developing a customized installation that fits specific workflow needs. It is intended for individuals responsible for setting up and/or administering SOLIDWORKS PDM.

Skills Learned:

  • Planning a SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional installation, including gathering required information.
  • Creating a new PDM Professional vault, local views, groups, users, integrating Active Directory, and applying permissions.
  • Developing folder, file, and search data cards, adding custom metadata for searching, BOMs, and reporting.
  • Creating Column and Bill of Materials (BOM) views.
  • Developing workflows for various document types and projects, including categories, revision schemas, and transition properties.
  • Creating Folder and File templates.
  • Migrating existing data from other document management systems or Windows file structures.
  • Backing up the PDM Vault databases and Archive files.

Course Duration

2 Days  (7 hours/day)



Experience with the SOLIDWORKS PDM software

Experience with the Windows™ operating system

Knowledge of SOLIDWORKS PDM file structure and referencing

Course Examples

SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Administration Course Syllabus

Lesson 1: Installation Planning

  • Planning for SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional
  • The Planning Process
    • Data Management Plan
    • Implementation Plan
  • Training Scenario
  • The Installation Process
    • SQL Server
    • Databases
    • SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Client

Lesson 2: The Administration Tool

  • SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Administration Tool
    • Starting the Administration Tool
    • Local Settings
    • Group Policies
    • Settings
    • Creating a SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional File Vault
  • Case Study: Create a New File Vault
    • Create a Local View
    • Why the Root Folder?
    • Sharing the Vault View
  • Create a Local File Vault View
  • Setup Overview
    • View Setup Utility
    • Access Control
    • Metadata
    • Workflow
    • Vault Maintenance
  • Exercise 1: Create File Vault and Vault View

Lesson 3: Users and Groups

  • Users
    • Creating New Users
    • User Information
    • Copy Permissions
    • Mixed Mode Login
  • Case Study: Creating Users
    • User Properties
    • Groups
    • Administrative Permissions
    • Folder Permissions
    • Assigned Folder Permissions
    • State Permissions
    • Transition Permissions
    • Permissions per File
    • Search Cards
    • Bill of Materials
    • Columns
    • Tasks
    • Templates
    • Warnings
    • Cache Options
    • Copy Tree
    • Change User Password
    • Delete a User
    • Managing Multiple Users
    • Missing User Login Information
  • Groups
  • Case Study: Create a New Group
    • Assign Group Permissions
    • Manage Multiple Groups
  • Exercise 2: Users & Groups

Lesson 4: Folder Card Creation

  • Data Cards
    • Card Editor
  • Anatomy of a Data Card
    • Controls
    • Card Editor
    • Card Associations
    • Installed Cards
    • Options
    • Designing a Data Card
  • Case Study: Design a Folder Data Card
    • Static Text Control
    • Select Control
    • Image Control
    • Frame Control
    • Data Card Variables
    • Variable Editor
    • Variable Editor Functions
    • Variable Listing
    • Variable Definition
    • Variable Mappings
    • Best Practices
    • Create New Variables
    • Editbox Control
    • Serial Numbers
    • Command Button Control
    • Combobox Dropdown Control
    • Combobox Droplist Control
    • Tab Control
    • Card Lists
    • Dynamic Lists
    • Advanced Lists
    • Checkbox Control
    • Date Field control
    • Alignment Controls
    • Card Grid Settings
    • Select Font
    • Exporting Data Cards
  • Exercise 3: Folder Cards

Lesson 5: File and Search Cards

  • Importing Data Cards
  • Case Study: Design a File Data Card
    • Radio-Button Control
    • Card Control Logic
    • Search Cards
  • Case Study: Design a Search Data Card
    • Controlled Tabs
    • Glue Controls
    • Card Search Control
    • Variable Search Control
    • Search Card Default Values
  • Quick Search in Windows Explorer
  • Case Study: Setting up Quick Search
  • Exercise 4: File Cards

Lesson 6: Column and Bill of Materials (BOM) Views

  • Columns
    • File List Column
    • Search Column
  • Case Study: Columns
  • Bill Of Material
  • Case Study: BOM
  • Exercise 5: Create Column and BOM Views

Lesson 7: Workflow

  • Workflows
  • Categories
  • Case Study: Create Categories
    • Category Conditions
    • No Category Match
    • Rename a Category
    • Delete a Category
    • Creating Workflows
    • Open An Existing Workflow
    • Saving a Workflow
    • Rearranging the Workflow
  • Case Study: Create New Workflows
    • Workflow State
    • Workflow Transitions
  • Revisions
    • Revision Component
  • Case Study: Create New Revision Schemes
    • Transition Conditions
    • Transition Actions
  • Drawing Revision Tables
  • Case Study: CAD Files Revision Scheme
    • Automatic Transitions
    • Parallel Transitions
  • Exercise 6: Categories and Revisions and Workflows

Lesson 8: Notifications and Tasks

  • Notifications
    • Workflow Notifications
  • Case Study: Assign Notifications
    • Notifications Templates
    • Tasks
    • Add Tasks to Vault
    • Task Host Configuration
  • Case Study: Convert Task
    • Executing Tasks
  • Exercise 7: Notifications and Tasks

Lesson 9: Folder Templates

  • Folder Templates
    • Template Administration
    • Template Wizard
    • Template Variables
  • Case Study: Folder Template
    • Template cards
  • Exercise 8: Folder Templates

Lesson 10: File Templates

  • File Templates
  • Case Study: File Template
    • Case Study: File Template
  • Templates with Other File Types
  • Case Study: ACME Specifications Template
    • Template Card
    • Update List Information
    • ECO Template
  • Exercise 9: File Templates

Lesson 11: Data Migration

  • Migrating Legacy Data
    • Data Migration Planning
    • Clean Data
    • What to Migrate
  • Case Study: Data Migration
    • Update References
  • Migrating Revisions
    • Set Revision

Lesson 12: Vault Backup

  • Backing Up File Vaults
    • Database Backup
    • Archive Server Settings Backup
    • Archive Files Backup

SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Administration Course Schedule

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